Directions to Rancho La Gitana

Rancho La Gitana is in Tzurumútaro, about 8 km (5 miles) from downtown Pátzcuaro.

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From Pátzcuaro, take the highway to Morelia and take the left turn towards Tzintzuntzan/Quiroga.

From Morelia, before arriving in Pátzcuaro, take the right turn towards Tzintzuntzan/Quiroga.

After crossing the railroad track, go 500 m (0.3 miles) and take the left turn onto Benito Juárez.  From there, go 600 m (0.4 miles) to Rancho La Gitana at #15 Benito Juárez.

By Combi: Take the Tzurumútaro B por la Clínica Combi from the Comex in Plaza Chica.