The Pátzcuaro Vision Campaign Cataract Surgery Project has been ongoing since late 2018 and has raised enough funds to make possible over 40 surgeries for low-income members of our local communities. This year, we’ve been presented with two one-year-olds suffering from congenital cataracts. Jenrry had his life-changing surgery on March 3rd, and Maximiliano will have his on June 2nd. Our spring fundraiser was shut down by COVID-19 and now we’re trying to raise the funds for these two operations. To learn more about the children, their surgeon and the extremely low-cost surgeries being provided, please click below.
If you can help meet this urgent need, you can donate using your credit card or PayPal account by clicking the button below.
Segunda de Primera
The First-class Secondhand and Consignment Store is now open in the plaza of Tzurumútaro! New items arrive frequently.

Rancho La Gitana Workshops 2019

Last summer we celebrated our third year hosting six weeks of art and English workshops for the children of the village of Tzurumútaro.
Give Thanks for Sight was a blast!